Artifact for contract "HypercertMinter" not found
Error message
Error HH700: Artifact for contract "HypercertMinter" not found.
Attempting to deploy a contract with npx hardhat deploy
before the contract has been compiled by hardhat. Contracts compiled by forge are currently not visible to hardhat (this could be a configuration problem).
insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost
Error message
Error: insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost
The environment variable MNEMONIC
is not configured correctly.
Alternatively, the wallet may not have enough funds for the selected network
Causing pause twice
Error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit
reason: 'execution reverted: Pausable: paused',
Etherscan API
Note: It can take between 5-10 minutes before a newly created etherscan API key becomes valid for queries to goerli.
When using an etherscan API key that was too recently created, hardhat tasks using etherscan to verify transactions will exit with an error message:
Etherscan returned with message: NOTOK, reason: Invalid API Key
Despite this error the transaction may have succeeded, the hardhat task just can't confirm it.
It is unknown if this is a problem for queries to mainnet as well.
Metamask makes it very difficult to have multiple wallets.