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Selling part of a fraction


These code snippets are just examples and the data should never be used as is

A fractional sale allows users to buy a specified number of units from a fraction. The seller can define a minimum and maximum number of units to sell per transaction.

The code snippet below is an example of how to create a maker ask using the @hypercerts-org/marketplace-sdk library.

The main steps are:

  1. Initialize a HypercertExchangeClient class instance by providing the chain id, RPC provider and a signer.
  2. Use the createFractionalSaleMakerAsk method to create a maker ask, that allows for selling parts of a fraction.
  3. Check and grant necessary approvals for transferring assets.
  4. Sign the maker ask order with signMakerOrder method.

Here is an example:

import { parseEther } from "ethers";
import {
} from "@hypercerts-org/marketplace-sdk";

const hypercertExchangeClient = new HypercertExchangeClient(

// The ID of the fraction that will be put on sale
const fractionId = 13601086205829910384631083059047775411896320n;

// Create the fractional sale order for a hypercert
// This will also take care of fetching and setting the order nonce correctly
const order = await hypercertExchangeClient.createFractionalSaleMakerAsk({
startTime: / 1000 + 5 * 60, // Use it to create an order that will be valid 5 minutes from now (Optional, Default to now)
endTime: / 1000 + 60 * 60, // If you use a timestamp in ms, the function will revert (this order will be valid for one hour)
price: "10", // Note that this is the price per hypercert unit in wei
itemIds: [fractionId], // ID of the fraction you want to sell
minUnitAmount: 10n, // Minimum amount of units to sell per transaction
maxUnitAmount: 100n, // Maximum amount of units to sell per transaction
minUnitsToKeep: 0n, // Minimum amount of units to keep after all sales
// Whether to sell the leftover units, if any. This will override minUnitsAmount on the last sale if there are leftover units in the fraction. For example, if you sell a fraction with 3 units, and the minunitAmount is 2, the last sale will be for 1 unit.
sellLeftoverFraction: false,
currency: ZeroAddress, // Currency address (0x0 for ETH)

// Grant the TransferManager the right to transfer assets on behalf of the Hypercert Exchange Protocol
if (!isTransferManagerApproved) {
const tx = await hypercertExchangeClient
await tx.wait();

// Approve the hypercert fractions to be transferred by the TransferManager
if (!isCollectionApproved) {
const tx = await hypercertExchangeClient.approveAllCollectionItems(
await tx.wait();

// Sign your maker order
const signature = await hypercertExchangeClient.signMakerOrder(maker);

// Register the order with our API
const result = await hypercertExchangeClient.registerOrder({

How to execute a fractional sale

createFractionalSaleTakerBid is just a convenient wrapper around createTaker. The order used here has the same structure as a maker order, but with an added field signature: string.

import { HypercertExchangeClient, ChainId } from "@hypercerts-org/marketplace-sdk";

const hypercertExchangeClient = new HypercertExchangeClient(ChainId.OPTIMISM, provider, signer);
const unitsToBuy = 100n;
const pricePerUnit = BigInt(order.price);

// Generate the taker order
const takerOrder = hypercertExchangeClient.createFractionalSaleTakerBid(
order, // The order you want to buy retreived from the graphQL API
address: '0x123', // Recipient address of the taker (if none, it will use the sender)
unitsToBuy, // Number of units to buy.
pricePerUnit, // Price per unit, in wei. In this example, we will end up with a total price of 1000 wei.

// Set ERC20 approval if needed, for the total price of the transaction
const totalPrice = pricePerUnit * unitsToBuy;
const currentAllowance = await getCurrentERC20Allowance(
order.currency as `0x${string}`,

const approveTx = await hypercertExchangeClient.approveErc20(
await approveTx.wait();

// Only required the first time a user interacts with the contract
// It will grant the Exchange contract with the right to use your collections approvals done on the transfer manager.
const isTransferManagerApproved = await hypercertExchangeClient.isTransferManagerApproved();
if (!isTransferManagerApproved) {
const transferManagerApprove = await hypercertExchangeClient
await transferManagerApprove.wait();

// Set the value if the currency is the zero address currency (ETH)
const overrides = currency.address === zeroAddress ? { value: totalPrice } : undefined;
const tx = hypercertExchangeClient.executeOrder(
await tx.wait();